Narrativity and Topics in Guerra-Peixe: An analysis of Quarteto Misto


  • Ricardo Tanganelli da Silva Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)



This article presents an analysis of extrinsic narrativity in César Guerra-Peixe's Quarteto Misto (1945), dodecaphonic composition and one of the most representative of this style of the said composer. For that, the research verifies the topical configurations in order to highlight its behavior along the three movements that comprehend the work and put in relief elements that assist the narrative organization. In order to define the key concepts, the references are Agawu (2009), Almén (2008), Hatten (1994), Monelle (2006), Pasler (2008), Ricoeur (1984), Tarasti (1994), besides analysis of Assis (2006, 2010), Botelho (2013), Egg (2004, 2006), Guerra-Peixe (1971), Hartmann (2011, 2013), Malamut (1999), Coelho de Souza (2011) and Vetromilla (2002). At the end, the article verifies the applicability of narrative analysis in formal articulation and expressive content in order to arouse the reflection of the Brazilian dodecaphonic repertoire of the first half of twentieth-century.


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