Imitative polyphonic density and cadential plan for two motets of the mid sixteen-century


  • Marcos Pupo Nogueira Instituto de Artes - UNESP
  • Fernado Luiz Cardoso Pereira Instituto de Artes - Unesp - Programa de Pós-graduação em Música



Abstract: “Magnum haereditatis mysterium” a quattro is one of Willaert’s few motets featuring a migrating cantus firmus. By means of a converging strategy involving motivic and cadencial analysis, we found that some words or expressions are intensified by imitative treatment of motives. Two passages of the text are highlighted: templum dei factus est uterus nesciens virum and non est pollutus ex ea carnem assumens, the latter revealing a higher imitative density and constituting the dramatic core of the motet. “Venit vox de coelo” of Clemens non Papa on the passage of the Bible referring to Saul’s conversion don’t has a cantus firmus, but features a complex imitative polyphonic fabric. One example is particularly eloquent: that which announces the dramatic section, “Shaul, Shaul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads” by means of a semi-perfect cadence with a double cantizans-tenorizans parallel-third movement, in a contrasting remodeling of the imitative structure. For both motets the concepts of “Modular Analysis” (Schubert, 2007), “sound grouping” (Nogueira, 2014), “fuga cell” (Milson, 2006), “motivicity” (Rifkin, 1997) and the identification of phrases from the soggetto (Rivera, 1993) were all central to the structural analysis. Cadence plans and mode analysis were based on Meier (1988) and Smith (2011). The attributions of syllabic and melodic inflections for both motets were evaluated with primary sources of manuscripts and prints indicate in bibliographic references.


Biografia do Autor

Marcos Pupo Nogueira, Instituto de Artes - UNESP

Professor e pesquisador do Departamento de Música do Instituto de Artes da UNESP- São Paulo. Área de Teoria Musical

Fernado Luiz Cardoso Pereira, Instituto de Artes - Unesp - Programa de Pós-graduação em Música

Pesquisador de música dos Séculos XV e XVI.

Organista e Cravista

Doutorando no Programa de Pós-graduação em Música da Unesp


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NOGUEIRA, Marcos Pupo. Forma e simultaneidade na música polifônica imitativa do séc. XVI. São Paulo, 2014. Livre-Docência Thesis. São Paulo: UNESP Arts Institute, 2014.

RIFKIN, Joshua. “Miracles, Motivicity, and Mannerism: Adrian Willaert’s Videns Dominus flentes sorores Lazari”: In Pesce, D. Hearing the Motet. New York: Oxford, 1997.

RIVERA Benito. “Finding the Soggetto. in Willaert’s Free Imitative Counterpoint: A Step in Modal Analysis”. In HATCH, C.e BERNSTEIN, D. W. Music Theory and The Exploration of The Past. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 1993a.

______. Joachim Burmeister - Musical Poetics - Translated, with Introduction and Notes. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993b.

SCHUBERT, Peter. “Hidden Forms in Palestrina's First Book of Four-Voice Motets”. Journal of the American Musicological Society, v. 60, n. 3, 2007, p. 483-556.

SMITH, Anne. The Performance of 16th-Century Music: Learning from the Theorists. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.





